AHA uses Bloomz for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. Bloomz automatically generates an account for each parent/guardian, using their preferred email address and phone number originating in Infinite Campus, our student information system. For email or cell phone number changes, please contact hannah.couch@academicarts.org.

Bloomz can only recognize you as a parent/guardian if your school has the same email and/or textable cell phone information for you in our system.

We encourage parents/guardians to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app (if you choose) and update preferences on when and how you’re notified via email and/or text.

Here’s what you can do with Bloomz:

● Receive messages from the school via email, text or app notification

● Choose to receive information as it comes

● Communicate in your preferred language

● Comment on school postings to engage in your school community

● Direct message teachers, staff and other parents


Basic Account Settings

Bloomz FAQ